ETP Plant in Koriya


Amrita Water Solutions is dedicated to providing Koriya with advanced Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) solutions. We recognize the importance of clean water for Koriya’s tribal communities, emerging industries, and the preservation of its unique natural heritage.

Importance of ETPs in Koriya

Koriya’s rich biodiversity, growing industries, and tribal communities necessitate effective wastewater management strategies. ETPs play a critical role in safeguarding Koriya’s water resources by treating wastewater generated from various sources:

  • Mining operations
  • Metal processing plants
  • Paper mills
  • Distilleries

Untreated wastewater can contaminate rivers, streams, and groundwater, posing a significant threat to public health, the delicate ecosystem of Koriya’s forests, and the cultural well-being of its tribal communities. ETPs effectively remove pollutants and contaminants from wastewater, ensuring treated water meets environmental discharge standards.

Benefits of ETPs for Koriya

  • Environmental Protection: ETPs prevent water pollution, safeguarding Koriya’s aquatic life, forests, and overall environmental health. This fosters a sustainable environment for responsible industrial development and cultural preservation.
  • Public Health Improvement: Clean, treated water reduces the risk of waterborne diseases, contributing to a healthier Koriya community.
  • Sustainable Water Management: Treated wastewater can be reused for various purposes, minimizing dependence on freshwater resources crucial for Koriya’s long-term development.
  • Industrial Sustainability and Compliance: ETPs help industries comply with environmental regulations and promote responsible wastewater management practices, fostering long-term industrial sustainability in Koriya.


By implementing efficient ETPs, Amrita Water Solutions empowers Koriya to achieve sustainable development. We contribute to a cleaner environment, a healthier population, and a brighter future for Koriya’s water resources. Let’s work together to ensure Koriya’s water remains a source of life, prosperity, and cultural heritage for generations to come.

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