waste Plastic Recycling Waste Water Treatment Plant ETP In Banswara


Banswara, a city renowned for its natural beauty, deserves a future as pristine as its landscape. Amrita Water Solutions is here to help achieve that vision by offering a comprehensive solution for waste management. We combine advanced Effluent Treatment Plants (ETPs) with innovative plastic recycling practices, creating a roadmap for a cleaner, healthier Banswara.


Untreated wastewater poses a significant threat to Banswara’s environment and public health. It can contaminate water sources, disrupt ecosystems, and contribute to the spread of diseases. Plastic waste, on the other hand, accumulates in landfills for centuries, leaching harmful chemicals and polluting waterways. Addressing these issues is paramount for Banswara’s sustainable development.


  • ETPs: Amrita Water Solutions’ ETPs utilize cutting-edge technologies to remove pollutants and contaminants from industrial wastewater. This treated water can then be safely reused for irrigation or industrial processes, minimizing the strain on freshwater resources and protecting the environment.
  • Plastic Recycling: We employ innovative methods to sort, clean, and reprocess plastic waste. This valuable resource can then be used to manufacture new products, significantly reducing the amount of plastic accumulating in landfills and creating a more circular economy.

By implementing these solutions, Amrita Water Solutions offers Banswara a multitude of benefits:

  • Environmental Protection: Cleaner waterways, healthier ecosystems, and a reduction in overall pollution.
  • Resource Conservation: Efficient water usage and a reduced reliance on virgin plastic materials.
  • Economic Advantages: Potential for job creation in the waste management sector and a boost to the circular economy.


Amrita Water Solutions is committed to partnering with Banswara for a sustainable future. Our ETPs and plastic recycling initiatives offer a powerful combination to tackle waste challenges. Together, we can ensure a cleaner, healthier environment for generations of Banswara residents to come.

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